Are your values lived?

Every day the news makes clear the impact that the misconduct of a few people can have on the fate of a whole organisation. Whether the behaviour expected of your employees is a legal requirement, a regulatory requirement or simply a requirement in terms of your own organisation's codes of behaviour, you need to know:

  • Do your people understand the behaviours expected of them?
  • Are these behaviours understood differently in different parts - geographic/cultural - of your organisation?
  • Do people know what remedies are available to them in the face of breaches of behavioural codes or legal/regulatory requirements?
  • In the face of breaches, are people confident that they can use these remedies in confidence?
  • And if they use them, are they confident that any action will result from their using them?

It is not enough to enact behavioural codes, or even to publicise them; particularly in large, multi-national organisations, you need to get a regular sense check of whether your organisataional values are really being lived, and your ethical processes are really being observed

For more information about Pulse Check’s compliance and ethics solutions contact us at

Code of Business Principles case study