Is your strategy lived?

The burden of ensuring that the strategic direction of your organisation is known, understood and, above all, acted on is a heavy one. If you get it right then the result is increased engagement and performance, with employees performing the role of ambassadors for the brand. If you get it wrong, however, the implications are enormous: Months of strategic thinking; enormous sums spent on consultants; the costs of implementing your strategy; all are wasted investments if the strategy is not lived within the organisation.

  • Pulse Check design alignment measures that give you the hard data you need to keep your strategy on track.
  • We work with you to build robust benchmarks and then use rolling samples to deliver regular checks against key themes.
  • And we give people the opportunity to provide their own feedback too – building the complexity of the alignment model over time.

For more information about Pulse Check’s alignment measures contact us at

Unilever Pulse case study