A great deal of organisational consultancy involves a search for the 'best' way of doing things. Indeed, the comfort blanket of normative data and external benchmarks is primarily about the reassurance that you are doing things the 'right' way.

But in a world in which you need to react quickly to the imperatives of the market you operate in, arguably, organisations should not be striving for a settled way of doing things or best practice set in stone. Instead, they need to be nimble (of thought and deed) and by extension, so do their leaders. They need to be creative.

With these imperatives in mind, Pulse Check - working with one of the leading academics in this field, Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - have developed powerful tests to assess an individual's capacity to:

  • identify the big issues - to "see the wood for the trees";
  • generate solutions to problems through fexible, original and innovative thinking;
  • and inspire others to "think outside the box".

These three core components of creative leadership can - and in fact should - also be assessed at the organisational level. An organisation's capacity for innovation is perhaps the most significant differentiator in competitive markets; and organisations high in creative leadership capacity will be at the forefront of innovation.

If you are interested in taking part in this research please contact us at creativeleadership@pulse-check.com